
Timing Your Gear Upgrades

Regularly replace your gear to maintain safety and performance.
Bart 1 min read
Timing Your Gear Upgrades

Maintaining the longevity and effectiveness of your athletic gear is crucial for ensuring safety and optimal performance. Whether you're a runner or a cyclist, knowing when to replace your equipment can prevent injuries and enhance your overall experience.

Running shoes 

There isn't a precise mileage or time to replace your running shoes as it depends on factors like the shoe type, user, surface, and running style. Generally, the guideline is 750 km or two years. After 750 km, the cushioning and sole are likely worn out. After two years, the cushioning hardens, increasing the risk of injury. 

The gear section on Garmin Connect

Many fitness apps allow you to add your running shoes (on Strava, you can find this under Settings > My Gear). The app then tracks the mileage and notifies you when it's time to replace your shoes after reaching a set distance.

Bicycle helmets

A bike helmet is essential for every cyclist but has a shelf life of three to five years. Its lifespan depends on usage and exposure to elements like sun and sweat. Helmet materials, such as EPS foam, degrade over time, reducing protection.

Check the production date and replace your helmet after any impact, even if no damage is visible. Replace it also if there are cracks or dents, or if the fit and straps no longer function properly.

Stay vigilant

In conclusion, staying vigilant about the condition and lifespan of your running shoes and bicycle helmet is paramount for maintaining safety and performance in your athletic endeavors, especially if you're returning to the sport after a lengthy hiatus.



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